“If you need a Financial advisor or a counsellor, look for someone with the heart of a teacher”

Arun Kumar Mathur

I am a marketeer turned entrepreneur who worked in industry for over 25 years with various corporate houses before an inner call for pursuing my passion got better of me. I was blessed when I was able to covert my passion in the space of personal finance into my profession of financial management and investment advisory. I am a practicing financial planner.

In my practice, I use my knowledge and experience of managing money to make a positive difference in the financial life of my client.

My sole objective is to educate, guide, and coach individuals through series of sessions on variety of topics related to personal finance.  I prepare a Financial Plan for clients which is like a personal strategy document that guides them to their financial well-being.

I am a Certified Financial PlannerCM,. This certification is awarded by the Financial Planning Standards Board of USA. It is a global organization working to ensure the highest ethical standards and competence in the field of personal finance advisory industry globally as well as in India.

I am also a SEBI Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) under SEBI Investment Adviser Regulations 2013. The regulation mandates all professionals in the business of providing financial advice to obtain this license from SEBI. A stringent due diligence process is followed by SEBI before awarding this licence.

As a CFP and a SEBI RIA, I am obligated to maintain interests of my clients first. Ongoing education, experience, ethics, and competency are the core values of these certifications.  Investors when dealing with SEBI RIA are thus assured of trustworthy and conflict free advice in their interest.

I follow business model based on “Fee-only” revenue.  What it means is that I charge fees directly from my clients for my services and there are no commission based (from product selling) revenue streams. In other words, I focus on advice and do not sell products. This ensures that all the accountability and loyalty is towards clients and client gets unbiased, honest, and trustworthy financial advice.

My educational background consists of a Bachelor`s in Electrical Engineering and a Masters in Business Management from the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta. My education in engineering and business management has sharpened my analytical and problem-solving skills.  My corporate work-life has helped me ensure customer-centricity in my services. My approach is holistic with the aim to provide the best possible solutions in the given constraints. I work hard to earn trust and respect of my clients by exceeding their expectations.

“I do not promise to take you to the top of Mt Everest, but I do promise to equip you for reaching there yourself”